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Trim and balance

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Pelagian DCCCR MK2 is here!



Any diver who have used a few different rebreathers would agree most are top buoyant. We looked at many models on offer and realized that over sized head compartments and inverted cylinders contributed significantly to this problem. So, we did the opposite. We made the head smaller in gas volume by arranging components more compact, used a larger water trap in the bottom of the scrubber and turned the cylinders with valves and regulators up wards. Further we made breathing hoses just as long as needed, minimized the counter lung top section and directed the gas down towards the side of the divers lungs. The result is perfect trim and balance. As the counter lungs are front mounted and bent, they are kept at the same hydrostatic pressure as the divers lungs. This give a very low breathing resistance in both vertical and horizontal body positions. Only if you turn upside down vertically there is some resistance but, unless you are exploring the inside of a Barrel sponge, this is not a very practical position anyway! An average diver will not need to ad any, ( or very few), weights diving in a wet suit.

[ Working principle ] [ Sensor validation ]
[ Trim and balance ] [ Frame work



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